Image by: Pink Sherbet Photography |
We know it's good to say hi to that really obnoxious person, but we chose to avoid them instead (sin)
We're called to care for the orphans, yet how many of us really adopt? (sin)
We know we should exercise and start eating less (sin)
We know we should do good, but there are others called to those areas. We don't want to be inconvenienced unless a bolt of lightning from heaven strikes us with the idea. (sin)
So many sins in our day to day lives, not from doing something wrong, but from not doing something right.
I like to think that God simply hasn't called me to all the things 'm not doing, but does he really need to tell me to do all the things that I know are good to do? What parent isn't thrilled when their child cleans their room without being asked? Are we watching opportunities pass?