Hey Everyone! This message will be showing up on all my blogs so I
appologize in advance to those of you who will see it multiple times.
Google Reader is closing down July 1st and any of you who follow that way will be losing not only your updates from this blog but also all your other blogs.
There are many ways you can follow blogs, but I wanted to suggest a simple solution for those of you who don't have much time. Bloglovin (a free blog following - compiled feed thing :) ) has a simple ways to copy all of the blogs you follow via google reader or Google Friend Connect into your personal Bloglovin account. All you need to set up a bloglovin account is an e-mail address or a facebook account.
How to Transfer your blogs:
- Go to http://www.bloglovin.com/import
- Click on Google Reader
- Click Import from Google Reader
- Sign in or choose an account
- Accept the request to Manage your data in Google Reader
The transfer will start and then all your favorite blogs will be right there where you can find them. Hope this blog will be one of them!
Google Reader is closing down July 1st and any of you who follow that way will be losing not only your updates from this blog but also all your other blogs.
There are many ways you can follow blogs, but I wanted to suggest a simple solution for those of you who don't have much time. Bloglovin (a free blog following - compiled feed thing :) ) has a simple ways to copy all of the blogs you follow via google reader or Google Friend Connect into your personal Bloglovin account. All you need to set up a bloglovin account is an e-mail address or a facebook account.
How to Transfer your blogs:
- Go to http://www.bloglovin.com/import
- Click on Google Reader
- Click Import from Google Reader
- Sign in or choose an account
- Accept the request to Manage your data in Google Reader
The transfer will start and then all your favorite blogs will be right there where you can find them. Hope this blog will be one of them!